Sedation Dentistry Helps with Patient Anxiety

Relax With Sedation Dentistry

Relieve Your Anxiety

Dental anxiety is very common and you are not alone. Both Dr. Temple and Dr. Henderson have extensive training in hospital dentistry and are able to provide various options for sedation in the safest way possible.

A prescription anxiolytic medication may be a good option for patients dealing with minor anxiety related to treatment in the dental chair. The medication is prescribed in advance and taken about an hour prior to the procedure and occasionally the night before to help with sleep.

For patients with more anxiety or who are undergoing lengthy or invasive procedures, IV concsious sedation may be the preferred method. In this case, an IV will be placed and medication used that allows the patient to be comfortable sedated, but also maintain their regular breathing, unlike general anesthesia.

In both scenarios, it is necessary to bring a driver for safe transportation home. If IV sedation is scheduled, you will be given specific instructions.